"Open Studio Art Tour" coincided with to many other events this year, causing low attendance and minimal sells. However, I did enjoy the people who took the time to come to my studio. I chose to do only the first weekend because of past history of this event. I'm not sure I'll participate next year due to the fact that I spread myself way to thin this time of year.
My studio kids are gearing up for a show at Chico Art Center next month, "Small World, Small Works". Six of them have been working hard on their paintings. Annie has finished her's. Jenny and Haylee will soon be done with their's. And Ceina, Sarah and Ttiana will have their's done in time for the "drop off". As soon as they are finished with these they will be working on our Christmas Preview project. We have a fun theme for this year's event and once again, we'll be raffling off the painting to