Acrylic Painting Tips
Acrylics are the most versatile of the paint mediums. Their quick drying time can be both a blessing and a headache. Taking time to understand this paint medium will help you achieve good and even great works of art. The following tips will help you save time and money, I hope.
* Acrylics will darken in color as they dry.
* Acrylics will shrink by a third of it's volume when dry.
* The "Tacky phase", that's when the paint is about half dry, can cause unwanted streaking or can be pulled off by your brush. When this happens stop painting that area and let it dry completely before continuing.
* You can use a hair dryer to speed dry the paint.
* Acrylics can be painted on just about anything including canvas, paper, wood, ceramic, fabric, Masonite, plexiglass, fiberglass and glass.
* Acrylics can be used as a glue. Both the paint and the acrylic mediums will work when adding collage elements to your art.
* Mix paints with a palette knife
* Rinse brushes often while using them. Acrylic paint drys quickly and can cause the hairs of the brush to separate and become glued together.
* You can thin acrylic paint with water or an acrylic medium. Adding water will break down the polymer (the acrylic binder used to create the paint) making it appear more like a watercolor and will cause a matte finish. Adding a drying retarder or an acrylic medium will slow down the drying time and keep the natural glossiness.
* Keep a spray bottle handy to mist your paints on the palette. Misting your paints often will help keep them from drying up.
* Practice, practice, practice! I can't say this enough. The only way to become the artist you want to be is by practicing. You have to paint often. Daily is best, but if that is impossible, weekly will do.
Here is a link to a well written article on acrylic paint brands by Lindsey Bourret on The article focuses on the top 19 brands, giving the pros and cons of each brand. It's a very helpful guide for anyone just starting out painting in acrylics. Even experienced artist will get a lot out of it. I know I did.