The CN&R news paper put out a call to artists to paint their Newspaper Boxes. Seven of my students rose to challenge and worked as a team to paint one. You can view their progress by going to the "Current and Past Events" page and click on "CN&R Newspaper Box". The finished Box found a new home in front of Art Etc in Downtown Chico.
Art Fiesta was another fun and very successful event we participated in last May. I had a double booth, one was for the kids to create arty at. The other was to display my students work and sell my artist brush caddies.
The month of July was dedicated to my hard working students. I created a "Student Art Show" for them. The Studio walls were adorned with lots of beautiful paintings in oil and acrylic. We had a "People Choice Award" competition were everyone who came in to view the show was asked to vote for their favorite three paintings. But in order to vote they had to pay a dollar. The top three winners won the money. Take a look under "Current and Past Events" "July 2011 Student Art Show" to see their work and the winners.
The "Small World, Small Works" show and "Christmas Preview" were the last two events of the year. I don't have images in the "Current and Past Events" for the "Small World, Small works" show but there are plenty for you to view for "Christmas Preview 2011"
I want to thank all my wonderful, talented, hard working students and their supportive families for making 2011 a year to remember. Watching all of my students, young and old(er) grow and achieve so many successes has made me very proud to be their art teacher. The challenges we all faced this past year has also taught me a lot for which I'm very grateful.